GLASS IONOMER Type 1 (Red Packaging) - LUTING
GLASS IONOMER Filling (Green Packaging)- FILLING / RESTO
GLASS IONOMER Type 2 (Red & Green Packaging)- LUTING & FILLING
Specification: 30g powder + 25g liquid + 1 powder measure + 1 mixing pad
Glass Ionomer Cement-Luting I
Luting I is a glass ionomer cement used for luting purposes.
- Small particle sizes make it easy to mix
- Excellent bonding strength and operating performance
- Ideal film thickness, 12-16μm
- Radiopaque
Cementation of metal-based inlays, onlays, crowns, and bridges.
Cementation of high strength (zirconia based) all ceramic crowns and bridges.
Cementation of posts and screws made of metal or a high-strength ceramic.
Cementation of orthodontic bands.
Mixing time 45''
Working time 3'00''
Setting time 2'30''-3'00''